Monday, July 27, 2015

then sings my soul


I think that there is sometimes people that you meet and you have absolutely nothing in common. You search high and low to find something that they might have a same, even remote interest for and you still find nothing.But I think that no one seems to realize that we all love music.

Sure nobody is ever going to like all the same stuff but music as a category is something that everyone can agree on. It speaks unspeakable volumes. It fills your body. It can change your mood in a heartbeat. It makes your head listen to what your heart it saying.

I was giving advice to a dear friend of mine, and I made a comparison. But it really got me thinking.

I told her to think of herself as an instrument in an orchestra. When you play in an orchestra, there are parts. Some instruments are louder than others in certain parts and then vice versa. But the whole time, not one instrument stops playing. They are all, always playing. But certain instruments move people and speak leaps and bounds.

But now, think of God as the directer, the musician. He cannot always play and direct all the instruments, but he never leaves them alone.

There are times in this life when it is your turn. You have to take the lime-light, whether you want it or not.

But there also times when we aren't in the spot light... And it makes us feels like we are just holding on to hope by a thread.  It makes us question everything that is in us, makes us doubt ourselves even.

But I'm here to tell you that you have to always play your loudest, even when it's tough. Is it easy? No. There are days it's hard even to lift your head off the pillow, but we have to take heart and keep fighting the good fight. Even though love won for us, we still have to keep going.

I think this song may do my short post better justice.


peace and love-

JacyRayn Strunk


  1. Wow.
    ^^^ I think that speaks for me.

    I love you so much.

  2. You write so beautifully. I know days like that, and within this post I found encouragement to fight them. Thank you, hun ♥

    -T. x

  3. thank you so much! words never do justice how much I love comments! 💗 I appreciate it so much, dear. hope your day is as radical as you- JR (:


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