Monday, October 10, 2016



I apologize for the lack of posts. There has been so much (which will soon be revealed!) that has been going on!

For those of you who know, Aaliyah from Growing In His Image came over to my house for the first time! We went and volunteered with Help One Now* and the One Squad** at Sadie Robertson's Live Original tour!

It was amazing! We even got to go backstage and talk to some of the people.

(*You can find out about Help One Now's awesome ministries here **and One Squad here)

Moving forward, before Aaliyah had to return to her far off home (in the town of way out in the middle of nowhere) we decided to ask for some questions from a group chat of bloggers she is apart of! Granted, it basically turned into Grace Anne's questionnaire, we still had a ton of (sleep deprived) fun!   

I won't say much, except for that I'm a messy noodle eater and we both lacked sleep and coffee.

-JacyRayn xx

yes, don't judge, there's two parts.

also, a little side note: we were so tired we didn't realize that the key we sang in was TERRIBLE and I usually don't sing alto guys. OK THAT'S IT.  MUCH LOVE.


  1. joidaniodsnioj LOVE. and the singing and playing ah perfect


    I can't wait to see what all's been going on;)

    Y'all are adorable with your noodles now I want noodles.

    I would apologize for the fact that I was the only one to ask questions but y'know this was fabulous so I'M NOT EVEN SORRY I LOVE YALL. XD

    "I was noticeably white" XD ME AALIYAH

    Oh my gosh Jacy's hand thing when you woke up. XD I'm dead.

    Bonnie Kate looks so cool on Instagram oh my goshhhh.

    Aaliyah your savagery is my favorite thing about you too it makes me so happy. And yes Jacy is LITERAL sunshine it's the best.

    AALIYAH I WOULD HAVE GUESSED MULAN WAS YOUR FAVORITE TOO!!! I literally was convinced that was it. Also Jacy woah I haven't even seen Dumbo this is bad. And........HOW DO Y'ALL LIKE UP?!?!?! That movie kills me I can't stand it. XD TANGLED IS LIFE.

    I would have guessed Jacy was more likely to commit a crime. XD I'm with you, Jacy. Although I feel like if it were to actually happen I'd probably be more like Aaliyah hahaha I'm so paranoid.

    WOW JACY YOU ALMOST HAD A BAGEL I'M SO PROUD. I would totally eat a bagel for the aesthetics but also bagels are amazing so. BREAD IS THE MOST APPEALING TASTE WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. AND CAKE?? I'm crying Jacy. Although ice cream is life but we've already discussed this. I'm with Aaliyah I have like a full list of my favorite breads.

    AALIYAH HOW DO YOU NOT REALLY LIKE FRUIT?! This is blowing my mind. Grapes are the bomb.

    I feel like y'all can just whip out the largest amount of instruments at a moments notice like HERE BAM WE HAVE A MILLION GUITARS AND UKULELES ENJOY!

    Y'ALL'S VOICESSSSSS I AM DEADDD. Like please go tour together or something I want to come to your concert. You harmonize SOOOO well together it kills me. You're just both perfect. I am dead. Goodbye. Deaddeaddeaddead. So much perfection.

    YESSS AALIYAH RAP ITTT. See Jacy you need to get this girl to listen to Hamilton she would appreciate it.

    I also totally share your opinions on Matthew West. Although you rock it like I will listen to any Matthew West song if y'all are singing it.

    JACY YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO NEWSIES IT'S PHENOMENAL. Listen to the Broadway version.

    AHHHH JACY'S SINGING HAMILTON. That was like my favorite thing in the world. YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO GET HER TO LISTEN TO IT.

    Okay so are y'all both the same MBTI type?


    Can this blogger party PLEASE become a reality?!?! Like I want brunch and the squad and photo booths. AND KARAOKE. I never do karaoke BUT I WOULD DO IT WITH Y'ALL IT WOULD BE GREAT.

    Y'all seriously need to get me more into coffee like I'll drink it but I'm not obsessed yet. Teach me your ways.

    Seriously your coffee description is the best. XD

    This was the most beautiful 22 minutes of my entire week.




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