Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Liebster Award

Afternoon, lovely readers!

Let me just say I am so excited to do this award! A huge thank you to Grace from Totally Graced for tagging me! Go show her some love! Today is her second blog-aversary and you won't want to miss all the exciting things happening! I chat too much, so let's get right to it!



1.) Thank the blogger who tagged you! (Pay the kindness back, dude.)

2.) Share the award on your blog.

3.) Answer the ten questions you are asked.

4.) Nominate at least ten more bloggers,

5.) Ask ten new questions.



1.) What is the book that you've read most often?

Well, really the one I read most "often" is the Bible. But if we set that aside, I would say the "Christy Miller Series by Robin Jones Gunn" or "Searchlight by Dayo Benson".

2.) What is your favorite childhood memory?

I have so many but this one is one of my favorites by far because it never gets old. OKAY SO THIS ONE TIME I was in a Sonny's BBQ. My dad and I were in the foyer together waiting to be seated. I was probably only three at the time, strutting around in my favorite pink camouflage pants and matching shirt. All of the sudden I decide to run behind one of those fake plants they put on the inside of restaurant and I call out to my dad: "Daddy, look! You can't see me! I'm camouflage." He started laughing but the funny thing is he didn't realize that I was wearing camouflage. He told me he could see me then I proceeded (at three, mind you) to tell him I was wearing camouflage and that he couldn't see me. Three-year-old me was very smart.

3.) What is the biggest lesson you've learned from blogging?

Without a doubt, the biggest lesson I've learned from blogging is
not comparing yourself to others. It is an extremely hard lesson to learn when
you first start out. You look at everyone else and always see your flaws! You have to learn to embrace your flaws. That's one of the biggest part of the blogging experience is being yourself.

4.) What's the worst book you've ever read?

There are very few books that I have read and not liked quite a bit. I've been spoiled with recommendations from friends! Although one I made myself read all the way through at didn't like at all was "The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian" by Sherman Alexie. I just did not find the writing in anyway appealing and the plot was very, very, slow.

5.) Go-to outfit?

I'm always a ripped skinnies and baggy t-shirt tucked in kinda gal! Coupled with a pair of Converse and a flannel, you've got my style in a nutshell!

6.) What is your favorite hot beverage?

I struggles with this question because I want all the hot drinks all the time. If I had to choose only one, it would definitely be a strong cup of Buestelo with a tiny dash of French Vanilla creamer.

7.) Who is the last person you texted and what was it about?

The last person I texted (coincidentally ;)) was Aaliyah! It was about us ranting over how good taco bell's crunch-wraps are. They're literally the best.

8.) How would your friends describe you?

Since we already mentioned Aaliyah, this is what she says about me!
"Your love for Jesus shines through you so brightly and is the foundation of every thing you do.
You're super hilarious like wow you kill me.
You're bold (which is something I really admire and want to be more like).
You're so trustworthy. I've never trusted someone so easily in my life.
You're so joyful and kind.
You're my human journal, encourager, speaker of life, and my best friend :)"


9.) What are five things you like about yourself?

Even though I suck at it, YAY FOR SELF-CONFIDENCE QUESTIONS. They are over-looked and very important.
+ I really like my hair. It's super long, thick, and naturally blonde.
+I love my cursive handwriting. Over the years it's just gotten pretty fabulous.
+I enjoy my red cheeks. Yes, a weird quality to like, but I NEVER have to wear blush the random times I decide to wear make-up.
+I'm very proud of my cooking skills. You want a stellar three course meal? I got you. You want a fancy quesadilla? No problem. I go both ways.
+I really love my ability to spread joy. Although everyone can do this, I like to make it a point. :)

10.) What is your motto?

I don't think I've ever had a phrase that I've always said, but if I did it would probably be "Everyday is a new chance to re-create yourself"



1.) What's the story behind your URL?

2.) Where is your favorite place to blog?

3.) Do you prefer coffee or tea?

4.) If you could have a 100$ gift card to one store, what would it be?

5.) What's one thing you want to improve about your blogging?

6.) Are you a background music or a listen-to-every-lyric-intently person?

7.) What's your favorite time of the day?

8.) What's the one school subject you wished didn't exist?

9.) You're given the opportunity to fix one major world problem, what is it?

10.) What's your dream vacation spot?



Now it's your turn! I want to hear from you! Even if I don't tag you, feel free to become apart of this! Thanks for sticking around through this messy post.

much love,

JacyRayn xx


  1. How I wish I could pull off the ripped skinny jeans and tee shirt look. Loved this post. WONDERFUL!

  2. dude you left out the part where I described you

    BUT I LOVED THIS :''') Grace Anne tagged me as well and I already did it but I'm tempted just for these questions....

    lol dats cute dat both of us texted each other last hehe dats real cute and you text more people than me hehe thats so cute

    I love your cursive. Evennnnnnn if you do get to the point where it looks like doctors' handwriting towards the end of the letter ;) STILL BETTER THAN MINE AMMI RIGHT

    lol still haven't finished the Christy Miller series go me

    love u more than Taco Bell crunch wraps

  3. I love this post!!!! Such a wonderful style. And I'm naturally flushed as well, although sometimes I use blush now, if I use foundation. And cooking is a good skill. CAN I COME OVER AND SHARE A DINNER WITH YOU AS I WITNESS THIS JOY FROM JESUS IN YOUR HEART!?!?!?!

  4. YAY YOU DID IT!!!!! I loved reading this so much oh my gosh. You are the absolute cutest and Aaliyah's comment about you sounds spot on. <3<3<3 ALL THE LOVE!!!!!!


Comments make my day! Keep them sweet. ;)